Fire Station (Electronics City) - Field Trip
As part of the kindergarten annual activities, a field trip was scheduled for our kindergartners on 27th September 2018 to the Electronics City Fire station. The students arrived there with excitement and curiosity to witness and meet our real life heroes. The officials were very cordial and enjoyed the company of the children. They made each child feel comfortable and eager to be a part of the field trip. A brief presentation was made on the services that the fire department provides to the society, and a grand display of rescue tactics, simulations were viewed. A video was also showed of a real life fire incident and the different measures taken to control and stop the fire outbreak. The highlight of the visit was the department’s display of their ability and talent in demonstrating the use of the fire extinguisher.
The students expressed their gratitude towards the fire fighters and thanked them through a very heartwarming speech. They returned back to school determined to serve the society by joining the force in the future!