Healthy Diet Week
The healthy diet week was observed in the kindergarten section from 23rd July 2018 to 27th July 2018. This activity was taken up in order to promote healthy eating habits and inculcate food discipline in our young students. Involving students in practical activities encourage and instill values in a deeper and stronger sense. A 5- day snack plan – My Healthy Meal- was scheduled which included whole foods, lean protein, whole grains and healthy fats in order to sustain holistic and healthy living. On 31st July 2018, a special assembly was held for the kindergarten section to showcase everything they had learnt and adopted in the past week. The students gave a presentation with fancy dresses centered on healthy living and wellness and the Nutritional facts of the food were discussed. Students learnt new information on food and nutrition and pledged to adopt all they have learnt in their day to day lives.